Happy Birthday, Kristi!!!

Dear Kristi,

I didn’t really intend to write anything more on this blog, but it was initially to have been an Inventory of Everything, after all, and hence I could think of no better spot to post my birthday wishes to you.

The circumstances under which we met…I hate.  But you, I loved even before that moment, as you know, and getting to know you since then has been a true treasure to me.

You are treasured by me.

And so, I wish nothing but love and joy and happiness for you, on this, the day of your birth.  Every day, actually, but also I’m realistic-ish.  haha

I’m glad you were born, lady, and I am so honoured and grateful to have you in my life, then, now, and always.  I have no words to express what your friendship means to me.

And even though they say a picture is worth a thousand words, there will never be enough pictures to express it, either.

But maybe this can be a start.

I love you, lady.  Happy birthday, my friend.  ❤
